Saturday, January 30, 2010

Week 3

This week we stayed with Allison and Jeff. They run an organization called Isla Animals and are dedicated to improving the lives of animals on the island. They organize free spay and neuter clinics and rescue dogs and puppies and adopt them out to families in Mexico, The United States and Canada.

We are finishing up at the secundaria this week and have started meeting with the students outside of school to form a group that will carry on with workshops and other events after we leave Isla. Right now we are working on building the group so we can start planning for a community fair for the end of February. Our first meeting was on Tuesday and 4 students showed up, we are hoping this is because it was also a school holiday and not because we bore them to tears. We have been looking for a meeting space because there was some kind of mix up with the place we had reserved and it is no longer available, so we had our meeting by the water instead. Luckily, on Thursday about eight kids showed up and more kids started asking us about the program at school. So far it is a really awesome group of kids and we are so happy we get to continue working with them after we finish our class at the school this Friday.

Our box is beginning to fall apart...please help us!

We were given the opportunity to do two 40 minute sessions at one of the elementary schools on the island. The first one we did was with the parents of the 4th and 5th grade students and the second was with the 4th and 5th grade students. With the parents we went over how to talk with your children about sex and by what ages children should be aware of different aspects of sexuality and health. For the kids we decided to focus on anatomy and puberty. This is the first time that either one of us had taught a sex education class to elementary age kids, so we didnt really know what to expect. We brought our materials that we use with the older kids but had done some research on other activities to do for elementary age kids...once we got there we decided to scrap our giant posters of penises and vaginas and go with the simpler and more relevant activities, specially since we could not separate them due to the time and space constraints. Over all the sessions went really well and we are looking forward to doing more like them. These last couple of pictures are from the basketball court at the school. Can you imagine going to an elementary school that over looked the ocean this like?!?


  1. i love the updates. keep up the great work friendo

  2. Hey this was a great idea - must be those brilliant minds at work. Hope yall are going to have time to keep up the posts. That will be a great way for us to follow what you guys are doing. I am so very proud of both of you, love Ann

  3. Thanks for sharing your work with the world...can't wait to see how this all turns out.
