Monday, March 15, 2010

Half way, kind of.

We are a little over half way through, I thought it would be appropriate to reflect a little about our experience here. What do we miss about "home"? What have we learned? Is it what we expected?

1. Hot showers, we will probably never take those for granted anymore.

2. Being able to drink water from the sink (even writing about it is a little strange).

3. After living in 8 different places (ranging from people's private homes to hostels) over the span of 2 months, we have a deeper appreciation of the idea of home.

4. We still might be crazy, but we havent killed each other yet...on the contrary, our time here has strengthened our relationship as a whole.

5. Waking up at 5:30 AM to teach crazy teenagers all day is one million times more rewarding than could ever be imagined.

6. Salad, I miss a good big fresh salad...yummm..

7. We have met, lived with, worked with, and gotten to know so many different types of people. We now have a new respect for humanity.

8. When a learns person about their body it gives them a new and different sense of ownership and responsibility for it. Too often young people are not given the information they need in order to make healthy decisions for themselves.

9. Teaching sex education in a language that is not your first changes the way you look at the subject. For me, I find that I look at it much more objectively and it actually easier for me to teach sex ed in Spanish than in English.

10. Lastly, with only 2 more months here we are faced with the next phase of our lives....and with a lot of thought and deliberation, well, we still aren't quite sure were we are headed. So we are learning all kinds of new and creative answers to tell people when they ask us that dreaded question "So, what are you going to do when you get back to the US, you must have REAL jobs....right?"

I know more than a few people who would enjoy this pic